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San Antonio Commercial Truck Accident Attorneys

San Antonio Commercial Truck Accident Attorneys

In the case of truck accidents, the issue of poor maintenance is almost always present in every commercial vehicle accident, and truckers driving 18-wheelers, semi-trucks, big rigs, or tractor-trailers must be vigilant that they maintain a safe and properly functioning truck. The maintenance of a commercial vehicle rests with both the trucking company and with the truck driver, but the truck driver has the final say with regard to the maintenance of the vehicle before embarking on a trip along streets and freeways.truck accident attorneys

San Antonio is the one of the largest cities in Texas. It is a sprawling metropolis and certainly has more than its share of truck accidents. But also has a number of truck repair shops where maintenance issues can be anticipated and corrected before they create a disastrous truck collision. As mentioned, it is the semi-truck driver’s responsibility to maintain his commercial vehicle as defined under the federal and truck regulations. If an accident occurs due to the trucker’s failure to properly maintain the tractor-trailer or semi-truck, both the trucking company and the driver can be found negligent and held liable. More on this website

Areas of maintenance for a big rig or 18-wheeler truck driver that frequently arise involve brakes, proper lubrication (grease), steering and suspension, hydraulic fluid, air pressure, and loads. The trucker must do a pre-trip inspection to make sure that any maintenance issues that could be detected upon a reasonable inspection will be detected before getting on the road. These pre-trip inspections are intended to prevent accidents, overturned trucks, and other types of vehicle malfunctions before they ever arise, and if a trucker fails to properly inspect the truck before embarking on a drive, he or she has breached a duty of care and will be held negligent.

Truck Driver Maintenance Program

Some trucking companies have a maintenance program. A trucking company or any company that uses vehicles to transport passengers or property along major highways should have a maintenance program in place. As explained, improper maintenance is often a major cause of accidents and both the driver and a trucking company have a duty to ensure the safety of their vehicles.

Owner-Operator Maintenance Issues

If you’re on an interstate and you become involved in an auto accident, it can easily become a multiple vehicle car accident or pile up due to the sheer traffic in the area. This is unfortunate and often occurs due to improperly maintained trucks owned by small businesses. For example, improper truck maintenance is often found in owner-operator situations where one driver owns a single truck, like a cement truck or a dump truck. Because the owner-operator owns a small business and may not have the time or money to do proper maintenance and inspections, they may let their truck’s condition fall by the wayside as long as it is still able to get the job done. This is unacceptable regardless of a company’s size, and the vehicle owner will be liable for failing to properly maintain the vehicle if it later causes an accident.

Truck Drivers are always required to keep their semi-trucks, 18-wheelers, and tractor-trailers in good working condition!

Trucking Companies Must Meet Federal Regulations

Federal regulations mandate that trucking companies properly maintain commercial vehicles. Examples of some of the regulations affecting trucking companies and the maintenance of semi-trucks, big rigs, or 18-wheelers are:

Truck drivers must “systematically inspect, repair, and maintain” all motor vehicles under their control.
All truck parts and accessories must be maintained in a “safe and proper operating condition at all times.”
Maintenance records must be retained for at least one year as long as the vehicle remains under the truck company’s control, or six months after the vehicle is sold or leaves its control.truck accident lawyers

Truck Driver Pre-Trip Inspection

Truck drivers are required to inspect their commercial vehicles prior to going out on the road. A semi-truck or big rig is a complex vehicle with many moving parts and can become a deadly weapon if it is not properly maintained. All aspects of the truck must be in good working order. Some of the things that the trucker should inspect prior to any trip are:

Fluid levels (oil, coolant, power steering fluid, etc.)
Hoses and drive belts
Fluid leaks (motor oil, hydraulic fluid, brake fluid, etc.)
Hydraulic hoses
Mirrors, lights, defroster, and wipers

Truck Accident Attorneys are experienced in handling truck accident cases of all kinds. Make sure you get a quality accident attorney to represent you in your truck accident case.

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