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Truck Accident Lawyers – Commercial Vehicle Accident Attorneys

Types of Accidents & Causal Factors

Street Sweeper Accidents - Houston Personal Injury Lawyers

Important Information if You’ve Been Injured in an Accident With a Street Sweeper Vehicle

In most modern American cities, street sweepers are pretty commonplace. The Houston area is no different. Street sweepers are used for a variety of reasons, but most commonly they are used to remove the debris, trash, and glass that collect on our city streets and in parking lots. Street sweepers are large and built differently than typical commercial trucks and can be difficult to maneuver. Because of this, accidents with other motorists can and do occur.
commercial vehicle accident attorneys

If you have been injured in an accident with a street sweeper you may be confused as to what your next steps are. The company that owns the street sweeping vehicle may initially deny liability for your injuries and hope that you and your claim simply go away. Don’t let them get away with that.The lawyers at Our Law Office have over 20 years of litigating accidents involving commercial vehicles and we can help you with your claim.

Commercial Vehicle Owners

When you have been injured in an accident with a street sweeper it may be difficult to understand who all the responsible parties are. Many times there can be layers of different parties involved when it comes to determining who liability should be assigned to in an accident with a commercial vehicle. The commercial trucking company could be using their own vehicle, could have contracted out the street sweeping duties to another smaller company, or could have contracted out to an individual with an independently owned street sweeping vehicle. In any of these scenarios, you will have to determine who is ultimately responsible for the street sweeper that injured you.

For example, if the commercial company owns the street sweeper vehicle and employs the driver that was operating the street sweeper when it injured you, determining the responsible party is probably going to be fairly straightforward. However, if the commercial company contracted the work to another smaller company many things will need to be looked at. You will first need to determine the status of the company the work was contracted out to, if they are an agent of the commercial trucking company or an independent contractor, and if the person operating the street sweeper was an employee of the other company or if they were a contract worker as well.

There are so many different issues to consider when making sure the correct party is held liable for your injuries after an accident with a street sweeper. Navigating this maze alone can be difficult, especially when the commercial trucking companies are not always forthcoming with the information that is vital to your case. You need someone on your side to help you get through the confusion and unravel the red tape to get to the truth. Let our truck accident lawyers here at Our Law Office help you cut through the red tape and get you the compensation you deserve from the parties responsible for your injuries.

Insurance – Big Policy = Big Issues

By law, businesses that own and operate commercial vehicles in the state of Texas must carry a minimum amount of liability insurance on these vehicles. Because of the nature of the work commercial vehicles, including street sweepers perform, there is an inherent risk factor built-in. Street sweepers come in contact with pedestrians, motorists, and animals so naturally there is the risk of injury or even death to any one of these parties should an accident occur. As you can imagine it is expensive to obtain and maintain insurance on these vehicles and the commercial vehicle owners know this. These policies are worth hundreds of thousands or sometimes even millions of dollars, so the commercial vehicle owners and their insurance carriers will not take claims filed against them lightly.

The owners of the street sweeper truck that has injured you may not accept liability for your claim even when it is clear they are at fault. They do not want to put their insurance coverage in jeopardy by accepting fault for your injuries. This is why having the personal injury attorneys at Our Law Office involved early on is key. This is not something you should go through alone and the commercial vehicle owners and their insurance companies count on you being intimidated and frustrated by the process. Don’t let them bully you into walking away or accepting less than what you are entitled to for your claim. Call our offices today.

Aggressive Defense

As discussed above, the commercial trucking companies do not want to be fair with your claim even when it is clear their vehicle and driver caused your injuries. Not only will they not treat you fairly, but they have aggressive attorneys on their side that will do everything in their power to make sure you walk away with nothing, regardless of the fault of the trucking company.

You can rest assured that the trucking company’s lawyers are not amateurs. They have years of experience dealing with these claims and know how to beat plaintiffs out of their compensation. These lawyers will work tirelessly to protect the interest of the commercial trucking companies and insurance carriers that employ them and will look for every loophole, excuse and justification for not paying you the compensation you deserve for your injuries. Your injuries and recovery are not their concern and they will not show you any compassion or fairness. They have a lot at stake and will do whatever is necessary to protect it. You should feel the same way. You need someone on your side who will work as aggressively to protect your interests just like the trucking companies and insurance carriers have. The wrongful death lawyers at Our Law Office will fight for your rights and help you through this difficult time.

Don’t Go It Alone

If you have been injured by a street sweeping truck or any other commercial trucking vehicle it may be difficult for you to understand all the aspects of making a successful claim against the trucking company and its driver. Determining the proper parties to bring your claim against, fighting the insurance company and dealing with the aggressive lawyers to get your just compensation can take its toll. Understanding street sweeper accident claims and how to obtain the compensation injured victims deserve is something our lawyers at Our Law Office have a lot of experience with and we can help you. It is a certainty that the commercial trucking companies and their insurance carriers have aggressive attorneys on their side working against you, so you need an aggressive attorney on your side working for you. You don’t have to do this alone. Our attorneys are here to help. We would be more than happy to help you, call us. Anything you say will be kept confidential. Trust Our Law Office to handle your case, and see the difference it will mean for your pursuit of compensation.

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